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Trending "Nee Kallalona" Lyrics Video Editing with Background Eye Single Photo using Alight Motion Reel450

"Nee Kallalona" Lyrics Video Editing with Background Eye Single Photo using Alight Motion

Are you looking to create a stunning and trendy lyrics video using the popular song "Nee Kallalona" with a captivating background eye effect? This step-by-step guide will walk you through creating a unique and visually appealing lyrics video using Alight Motion. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced video editor, this guide will help you craft a mesmerizing video with a single photo and lyrics synced to the beat of the song.

Trending Love Lyrics Video Editing in Alight Motion

Step 1: Prepare Your Resources

Before diving into Alight Motion, ensure you have the following resources ready:

The song "Nee Kallalona" in audio format.

A high-quality single photo featuring an eye or an image with an eye-focus.

Lyrics of the song in text format.

The Alight Motion app (available on Android and iOS).

Step 2: Open Alight Motion and Create a New Project

1. Launch the Alight Motion app.

2. Tap the + icon to start a new project.

3. Set the Aspect Ratio (16:9 for YouTube or 1:1 for Instagram) depending on where you plan to post your video.

4. Choose a frame rate (30 FPS is recommended for smooth motion).

5. Tap Create Project to get started.

Step 3: Add Your Background Eye Photo

1. Import the eye-focused photo you’ve selected by tapping the + icon and choosing the image from your gallery.

2. Position the photo as your background and adjust its size so that it fits well within the frame.

3. To give the eye effect a more dynamic look, add subtle movement. Use keyframe animation to slightly zoom in on the eye over time, creating an engaging focal point.

Step 4: Import the "Nee Kallalona" Song

1. Tap the Audio icon and import the "Nee Kallalona" song from your device.

2. Align the start of the song with the timeline.

3. Use Markers to place key points where lyrics start or where you want to introduce visual effects. This will help you sync the video and lyrics perfectly with the beat of the song.

Step 5: Add Lyrics Text

1. Tap the + icon again and choose Text to begin adding the song’s lyrics.

2. Enter the first few lines of the song, adjust the font style, size, and color to match the aesthetic you want (for a sleek look, go for bold, elegant fonts).

3. Position the text on the screen, making sure it doesn’t block the eye. Keep the placement consistent throughout the video.

4. Use keyframes to animate the text as the song progresses. You can apply fade-ins, slide-in effects, or even have the lyrics gently pulse in size to match the beat.

Step 6: Sync Lyrics with the Music

1. Use the markers placed earlier to time the appearance and disappearance of each lyric line.

2. Add transitions between the text layers, such as fade-ins and fade-outs, to create a smooth flow of the lyrics.

3. Double-check that the lyrics are synced perfectly with the vocals.

Step 7: Apply Effects for the Eye Background

1. To make the eye background more dramatic, add effects like glow, blur, or color grading. This will give your video a more cinematic feel.

2. You can also apply subtle eye animation effects, such as blinking or changing color, using Alight Motion’s advanced keyframe feature.

3. To enhance the overall aesthetic, try using the Vignette effect to darken the edges and draw more focus to the eye.

Step 8: Final Adjustments and Export

1. Review the entire video from start to finish. Ensure the lyrics are synced with the audio, and the effects are smooth and not overwhelming.

2. Once you’re satisfied with the video, tap the Export button.

3. Select your preferred resolution and export format. For social media sharing, exporting in 1080p resolution is recommended for clear quality.

Full Project - Download

Creating a "Nee Kallalona" lyrics video with a background eye effect in Alight Motion is a great way to express your creativity while staying on-trend. By following these simple steps, you can craft a professional-looking video that captures attention and resonates with the emotional tone of the song. Whether you're making this for a personal project or sharing it on platforms like YouTube or Instagram, this video will definitely stand out.

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