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Beautiful White Background 5 Pics Editing with Name Using Alight Motion Reel449

Beautiful White Background 5 Pics Editing with Name Using Alight Motion

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the steps to create a stunning Beautiful White Background 5 Pics Editing with Name using Alight Motion. This design is perfect for social media posts, personalized banners, or gifts, combining elegance and simplicity. Follow the steps below to create your masterpiece.

Trending Photo Editing in Alight Motion


Alight Motion app (available on Android/iOS)

5 high-quality photos

White background image

Your chosen text or name

Step 1: Open Alight Motion and Start a New Project

Launch the Alight Motion app and click on the "+" icon to start a new project.

Choose your project dimensions (1080 x 1920 is recommended for high-quality resolution).

Set the background color to White.

Step 2: Import the White Background Image

Tap on the "+" again and select Image & Video.

Choose a white background from your gallery or use a plain white background created using any photo editing tool.

Adjust the white background so that it fits the entire canvas.

Step 3: Add the 5 Photos

Tap on "+" and select Image & Video again.

Choose your first photo from the gallery and place it on the canvas.

Repeat this process to import all five photos.

Arrange the photos creatively, either in a grid pattern, staggered design, or overlapping. Make sure the spacing between the photos is even for a balanced look.

Step 4: Adjust the Photos

Select each photo and use the transform tool to resize and position the photos as desired.

Apply any necessary adjustments such as brightness, contrast, or saturation to enhance the photos while maintaining consistency.

Step 5: Add Borders or Shadows (Optional)

To make the photos stand out more on the white background, you can add a border or drop shadow effect.

Select each photo, go to Effects > Border or Shadow, and adjust the settings until you achieve a subtle yet professional look.

Step 6: Add the Name Text

Tap on the "+" icon and choose Text.

Type the name or text you want to appear on the design. You can use a name, a meaningful quote, or any other text you like.

Customize the font style, size, and color to match the overall theme. A bold or cursive font in black, gold, or any contrasting color works well against a white background.

Position the text where it looks best – either below the photos, centered, or along the side of the photos.

Step 7: Add Additional Effects (Optional)

You can enhance the design with some motion graphics or light effects if you want.

Go to the Effects panel, add some subtle effects like glow, blur, or even an animated effect to make your design stand out.

Step 8: Preview and Export

Once you’re satisfied with the overall design, tap the Play button to preview your work.

If everything looks perfect, click on Export in the top-right corner.

Choose your preferred format and resolution (e.g., MP4 for videos or PNG for images), and save the file to your gallery.

Full Project - Download

You’ve successfully created a Beautiful White Background 5 Pics Editing with Name using Alight Motion! This simple yet elegant design works great for personal projects, social media, or creating memorable photo frames. You can experiment with different layouts, colors, and effects to make your creation truly unique.

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