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Trending Boys Attitude Video Editing with Shake Effect Using Alight Motion Reel466

Trending Boys Attitude Video Editing with Shake Effect Using Alight Motion

In today’s digital world, video content with bold, impactful effects is a great way to express creativity. One of the most popular styles in the video editing world is boys' attitude videos. Adding the trending shake effect amplifies the boldness and energy, making it a standout visual. In this guide, we will walk you through how to create an amazing Boys Attitude Video with a stunning shake effect using Alight Motion.

Trending Lyrics Video Editing in Alight Motion

What You Will Need:

1. Alight Motion App – available on both Android and iOS.

2. High-quality video footage – showcasing attitude poses or strong expressions.

3. Music or Beats – preferably an energetic, bold soundtrack that suits the vibe of the video.

4. Shake Effect Presets – You can create one manually or use presets available in Alight Motion.

Steps to Create Boys Attitude Video with Shake Effect:

Step 1: Start a New Project in Alight Motion

Open the Alight Motion app and tap on the “+” icon to start a new project.

Set the aspect ratio (usually 9:16 for vertical videos, perfect for Instagram or TikTok).

Select the frame rate (24-30 fps works well for this style).

Step 2: Import Your Footage

Import your video clips by tapping the “+” icon again and selecting your desired video footage from the gallery.

Trim the video to highlight the parts where you want the attitude and shake effect to be most prominent.

Step 3: Add Music

Tap the “+” icon to add your selected audio track.

Sync your footage to match the beats of the music. The attitude effect is enhanced when the video transitions and effects match the rhythm of the soundtrack.

Step 4: Apply the Shake Effect

Select the Video Layer: Once your footage is in place, tap on the video layer that you want to apply the shake effect to.

Go to Effects: Tap on “Effects” > “Add Effect” > “Move & Transform”.

Apply Shake: Look for the Shake effect and adjust its settings.

Recommended Shake Settings:

Frequency: 5.0 to 7.0 (depending on how intense you want the shake to be).

Magnitude: 20 to 30 for subtle shakes, or crank it up for more energy.

Random Seed: Keep this around 50-70 to create a more natural and unpredictable shake.

Step 5: Fine-Tune the Shake Effect

Use Keyframes to control where the shake effect appears and fades out. Keyframes allow you to precisely time the shake with specific moments of the video, such as on beat drops or attitude expressions.

For a smooth effect, gradually increase the shake intensity and frequency during key moments of the video.

Step 6: Add Visual Enhancements

Add Color Grading: Give the video a bold and dynamic look by adding color filters or custom color grading. Go for dark, gritty tones to enhance the attitude.

Text or Captions: If you want to include powerful captions or attitude-filled quotes, add a text layer and choose bold fonts that suit the theme.

Other Effects: You can add extra effects like glow, motion blur, or lens distortion to make the video even more dynamic.

Step 7: Export and Share

Once you are happy with the video and the shake effect, tap the Export button (found at the top right corner).

Select the desired quality (720p or 1080p for social media platforms) and export your video.

Now your Boys Attitude Video with shake effect is ready to be shared on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube!

Pro Tips for Editing Boys Attitude Videos:

Timing: The shake effect looks best when synced with the beat of the music, especially during high-energy moments.

Short & Snappy: Keep the video short (around 15-30 seconds) to maintain audience engagement, especially on social platforms.

Transitions: Add bold, fast transitions between clips to make the video feel even more dynamic.

Lyrics Video - Download

XML - Download

Full Project - Download

Creating a Trending Boys Attitude Video with a shake effect using Alight Motion is an easy yet powerful way to showcase style and energy. The shake effect gives the video a bold edge that makes it stand out, while Alight Motion’s powerful tools allow you to enhance the overall aesthetic of the video. Follow the steps above, and in no time, you'll have a professional-looking video that captures the perfect attitude.

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