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Beautiful Dual Tone Photo Editing in Alight Motion with Name Reel453

Beautiful Dual Tone Photo Editing in Alight Motion

Alight Motion is one of the most powerful mobile video and photo editing apps available today, and its versatility allows users to create stunning edits with ease. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to create a beautiful dual-tone photo edit and include name art using Alight Motion.

Trending Photo Editing in Alight Motion

What You’ll Need:

Alight Motion app (available on Android and iOS)

A high-quality photo

Your desired text or name to add to the photo

Step 1: Open Alight Motion

Start by launching the Alight Motion app on your mobile device. If you don’t already have the app, it’s available for download from the Play Store or App Store. Once open, create a new project with the desired resolution and aspect ratio.

Step 2: Import the Photo

To get started, tap the “+” icon to import the photo you want to edit. Ensure your photo is clear and of good resolution to get the best result for the dual-tone effect. You can resize and position the photo to fit your canvas properly.

Step 3: Apply Dual Tone Effect

To achieve the dual-tone effect:

1. Select the imported image and go to the Effects option.

2. Choose Color & Light from the list of effect categories.

3. Use the Gradient Overlay effect to add a dual-tone look. You can pick any two contrasting colors that match the style you’re going for (e.g., blue and pink, orange and purple).

4. Adjust the gradient settings to control the intensity and direction of the tones.

You can experiment with different color combinations and gradient styles to create a unique dual-tone effect that enhances your photo.

Step 4: Add Name Art

Now, it's time to add the name or text element to the photo:

1. Tap the “+” icon again and select Text from the options.

2. Type in the name or message you’d like to add to your photo. You can customize the font style, size, and color to make it stand out.

3. To match the dual-tone theme, consider using a gradient or shadow effect on the text. You can also add a Glow effect from the Effects menu to make the name pop even more.

Position the text on the canvas in a way that complements the photo's layout without cluttering the overall design.

Step 5: Adjust Blending and Opacity

For a professional look, go to the Blending and Opacity settings of both the image and the text. Lowering the opacity slightly can create a softer, more cohesive look between the photo and the added elements. You can also experiment with different blending modes like Overlay or Soft Light for a more artistic effect.

Step 6: Fine-tuning

Once you’ve added the dual-tone effect and name art, take a moment to fine-tune the details. Adjust the colors, text positioning, and effects until you’re satisfied with the final look. This step is crucial to making sure that all elements blend together harmoniously.

Full Project - Download

Step 7: Export the Edit

When you’re happy with the edit, tap the Export button at the top right of the screen. Choose the appropriate resolution and format for your project, and save it to your device. You can now share your beautiful dual-tone photo with name art on social media, or use it for any other creative purpose.

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