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Trending O Pilaga Venkatesha Lyrics Video Editing in Alight Motion with Shake Effect Reel388

Trending O Pilaga Venkatesha Lyrics Video Editing in Alight Motion

In the world of video editing, creating engaging and visually stunning content is key to capturing the attention of your audience. One of the most popular trends right now is editing lyrics videos with dynamic effects, and the "O Pilaga Venkatesha" song is a perfect candidate for this style. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps to create a mesmerizing lyrics video using the Alight Motion app, incorporating a powerful shake effect to add energy and vibrancy to your project.

Trending Lyrics Video Editing in Alight Motion

What You’ll Need:
- Alight Motion App: Download it from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
- O Pilaga Venkatesha Song: Ensure you have the song ready in your device's media library.
- High-Quality Images or Video Clips: Gather a few background images or short clips that fit the theme of the song.
- Lyrics of the Song: Prepare the lyrics, either typed out or as an image file.

Step 1: Create a New Project
1. Open the Alight Motion app.
2. Tap on the “+” icon to create a new project.
3. Set the aspect ratio to 16:9 (YouTube standard) or 1:1 (Instagram standard), depending on where you plan to post the video.
4. Select the frame rate (30 fps is usually ideal for smooth motion).
5. Choose a background color that complements your theme, or leave it transparent if you’ll be using images or clips.

Step 2: Import the Song and Images/Clips
1. Tap on the media icon to import the O Pilaga Venkatesha song into your timeline.
2. Adjust the song’s position to start at the desired point in your timeline.
3. Import your background images or video clips. Align them with the song’s timeline to sync visuals with the lyrics.

Step 3: Add the Lyrics
1. Tap on the text icon to add a new text layer.
2. Type out the first line of the lyrics.
3. Customize the font, size, color, and position of the text. For a more stylish look, consider using a bold or script font that resonates with the song's emotion.
4. Repeat this process for each line of the lyrics, ensuring that each one is properly timed with the corresponding part of the song.

Step 4: Apply the Shake Effect
1. To add the shake effect, select the text layer or the background layer (depending on where you want the effect).
2. Tap on Effects > Add Effect > Move & Transform > Oscillate.
3. Adjust the amplitude and frequency settings to control the intensity and speed of the shake. For a more subtle effect, keep the amplitude low; for a dramatic effect, increase it.
4. Fine-tune the shake effect by playing the video and adjusting the settings until you’re satisfied with the look.

Step 5: Enhance with Additional Effects
1. You can further enhance your video by adding glow, blur, or color effects. Go to Effects > Add Effect, and experiment with different options to find what suits your video best.
2. If you want the lyrics to stand out more, consider adding a drop shadow or glow effect to the text layers.

Step 6: Review and Export
1. Play back the entire video to ensure everything is synced perfectly and the effects are smooth.
2. If everything looks good, tap on the Export button at the top right corner.
3. Choose your desired resolution and frame rate for the final output.
4. Export the video and save it to your device.

Full Project - Download

Step 7: Share Your Creation
Your trending "O Pilaga Venkatesha" lyrics video with a shake effect is now ready to share! Post it on your favorite social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok, and watch as your audience enjoys the captivating visual experience you’ve created.

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