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Trending Boys Crazy Lyrics Video Editing in AlightMotion with Photo Zoom Effect Reel364

Trending Boys Crazy Lyrics Video Editing in AlightMotion with Photo Zoom Effect

Creating a trendy and eye-catching lyrics video with a photo zoom effect in AlightMotion can add a dynamic and engaging element to your content. In this guide, I'll walk you through the steps to create a Boys Crazy Lyrics Video with an awesome photo zoom effect using AlightMotion.

Trending Lyrics Video Editing in AlightMotion

Step 1: Preparing Your Materials
Before starting with AlightMotion, gather the following:
- Audio file: The song you want to create the lyrics video for.
- Lyrics text: The lyrics of the song.
- Photos: High-quality images that you will use for the zoom effect.
- AlightMotion App: Ensure you have the latest version installed on your device.

Step 2: Importing Your Audio and Photos
1. Open AlightMotion and create a New Project.
2. Set the aspect ratio according to your preference (e.g., 16:9 for YouTube).
3. Tap on the plus (+) icon and choose Audio to import your song.
4. Similarly, import the photos you want to use for the zoom effect by tapping on the plus (+) icon and selecting Image.

Step 3: Syncing the Lyrics with the Music
1. Listen to the song and mark the key points where you want the lyrics to appear.
2. Use the Text tool to add lyrics on the timeline, syncing them with the beat of the song.
3. Adjust the timing and duration of the text layers to match the music.

Step 4: Adding the Photo Zoom Effect
1. Select the photo you want to apply the zoom effect to.
2. Tap on the Effects button, then choose Add Effect.
3. Under Move & Transform, select Zoom Blur.
4. Adjust the Intensity and Strength settings to create a smooth zoom effect that matches the mood of the lyrics.
5. To animate the zoom, use Keyframes. Set a keyframe at the start of the photo clip with the zoom level at 100%.
6. Move to the end of the clip and set another keyframe with the zoom level increased (e.g., 150% or more).
7. Ensure the zoom effect is smooth by adjusting the curve of the keyframes, creating a seamless transition.

Step 5: Applying Additional Effects
1. To make your video more vibrant, you can add additional effects like Shake or Glitch. to the lyrics or photos.
2. Experiment with the Color Correction effect to match the video’s mood with the song.
3. Use the Masking tool to layer effects, giving the video a more professional look.

Step 6: Exporting the Video
1. Once satisfied with your editing, tap on the Export icon at the top right corner.
2. Choose the resolution. and frame rate (e.g., 1080p at 30fps) for the best quality.
3. Export your video and share it on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube.

Tips for a Professional Finish
- Maintain consistency: Keep the fonts, colors, and effects consistent throughout the video to create a polished look.
- Time your effects: Ensure that the zoom effect aligns perfectly with the beat of the music for maximum impact.
- Experiment with transitions: Use smooth transitions between different photos to keep the viewer engaged.

Full Project - Download

Creating a Trending Boys Crazy Lyrics Video with a photo zoom effect in AlightMotion is a fantastic way to showcase your creativity and make your videos stand out. By following these steps, you can produce a professional-looking video that resonates with your audience. Remember to experiment with different effects and transitions to make your video unique.

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