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How to Create a Trending Adhurs Song Lyrics Video with Photo Animation in Alight Motion Reel361

How to Create a Trending Adhurs Song Lyrics Video with Photo Animation in Alight Motion

Creating a stunning video with song lyrics and photo animation can be a rewarding and engaging way to showcase your creativity. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps to create a trending Adhurs song lyrics video with photo animation using Alight Motion. Alight Motion is a powerful video editing app that offers a wide range of features to bring your vision to life.

Trending Adhurs Song Lyrics Video Editing in AlightMotion

What You Will Need:
1. Alight Motion App: Available on both Android and iOS.
2. Adhurs Song Lyrics: The text of the lyrics you want to animate.
3. Photos: High-quality photos to include in the animation.
4. Music File: The audio file of the Adhurs song.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Set Up Your Project
1. Open Alight Motion: Launch the app on your device.
2. Create a New Project: Tap on the '+' button to start a new project. Set your preferred resolution and frame rate. For standard videos, 1080p resolution and 30 fps work well.

Step 2: Import Your Audio and Photos
1. Add the Song: Tap on the 'Audio' icon and import the Adhurs song from your device.
2. Import Photos: Tap on the 'Media' icon and select the photos you want to use. Arrange them in the order you prefer.

Step 3: Sync Lyrics with the Music
1. Add Text Layers: Tap on the 'Text' icon to add text layers for the lyrics. Type out the lyrics, one line at a time.
2. Timing: Align each line of the lyrics with the corresponding part of the song. Use the timeline to ensure the lyrics appear at the right moments.

Step 4: Animate the Photos
1. Keyframe Animation: Select a photo layer, then tap on the 'Keyframe' icon. Move the playhead to where you want the animation to start and set a keyframe. Move the playhead again and adjust the position, scale, or rotation of the photo to set another keyframe. This creates an animation between the two keyframes.
2. Apply Effects: Alight Motion offers various effects such as fade in/out, zoom, and more. Tap on the 'Effects' icon and experiment with different effects to enhance your photo animations.

Step 5: Animate the Lyrics
1. Text Animation: Tap on a text layer, then select the 'Text' tab. Here, you can choose from various animation presets like 'Fade In', 'Slide In', 'Scale Up', etc.
2. Custom Animation: For more control, use keyframe animation on the text layers. This allows you to create unique motion paths and effects for the lyrics.

Step 6: Add Transitions and Effects
1. Transitions: Use transitions between photos to make the video smoother. Tap on the 'Transition' icon and choose from options like 'Crossfade', 'Slide', and more.
2. Visual Effects: Add visual effects like glow, shadow, and color adjustments to make your video more vibrant and engaging.

Step 7: Final Adjustments
1. Preview: Play back the video to check if everything is in sync and looks good. Make any necessary adjustments.
2. Export: Once satisfied, tap on the 'Export' button. Choose your desired resolution and format, then save the video to your device.

Tips for a Professional-Looking Video:
- Consistency: Ensure that the font style and size are consistent throughout the video.
- Timing: The lyrics should appear at the exact moment they are sung in the song.
- Quality: Use high-quality photos to maintain a professional appearance.
- Effects: Don’t overdo the effects; subtle animations often look more polished.

Full Project - Download

Creating a trending Adhurs song lyrics video with photo animation in Alight Motion is a fun and creative process. By following these steps, you can produce a professional-looking video that stands out. Whether you’re making this for personal enjoyment or sharing it on social media, this guide will help you achieve impressive results.

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