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Beautiful Orange Sky Background Dual Photo Editing in PicsArt

Beautiful Orange Sky Background Dual Photo Editing in PicsArt

Creating stunning dual photo edits with a beautiful orange sky background in PicsArt is a fun and creative process. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to transform your photos into a breathtaking masterpiece using PicsArt. Follow the steps below to achieve a professional-looking dual photo edit with an orange sky background.

Beautiful Orange Background Photo Editing in PicsArt

Step 1: Open PicsArt and Import Your Photos
1. Launch PicsArt: Open the PicsArt app on your device.
2. Select Photos: Tap on the plus icon at the bottom of the screen to import the two photos you want to edit. You can either select photos from your gallery or use PicsArt’s free-to-edit images.

Step 2: Choose the Orange Sky Background
1. Search for Background: Go to the “Backgrounds” section or search within the PicsArt community to find a beautiful orange sky background. You can also upload your own if you have a specific image in mind.
2. Apply Background: Once you’ve selected the orange sky background, tap on it to apply it as the base layer for your editing project.

Step 3: Add and Position the First Photo
1. Add First Photo: Tap on “Add Photo” and select the first photo you imported earlier.
2. Resize and Position: Resize the photo as needed and position it on one side of the orange sky background. Adjust the placement to ensure it blends well with the background.

Step 4: Add the Second Photo
1. Add Second Photo: Repeat the process by tapping “Add Photo” again and select the second photo.
2. Blend and Position: Use the blend tool to seamlessly integrate the second photo with the first one. Adjust its position so that it complements the overall composition.

Step 5: Blend the Photos with the Background
1. Adjust Opacity: Lower the opacity of both photos slightly to blend them naturally with the orange sky background.
2. Use Eraser Tool: If necessary, use the eraser tool to remove any harsh edges or areas that don’t blend well. You can also use the “Soft Brush” to make the blending smoother.

Step 6: Add Effects and Filters
1. Apply Filters: PicsArt offers a variety of filters to enhance your photo. Choose a filter that complements the orange sky background, such as a warm or sunset-themed filter.
2. Adjust Brightness and Contrast: Fine-tune the brightness, contrast, and saturation to match the mood of the orange sky background. This step will make the photos appear more cohesive.

Step 7: Final Touches
1. Add Stickers or Text: If you want to personalize your edit further, you can add stickers, text, or other decorative elements available in PicsArt.
2. Review Your Work: Take a moment to review your edit. Zoom in to check for any inconsistencies or areas that might need additional blending.

Step 8: Save and Share
1. Save Your Edit: Once you’re satisfied with your work, tap on the download icon to save your edited photo to your gallery.
2. Share Online: Share your beautiful dual photo edit with the orange sky background on social media or with friends. You can also showcase your work in the PicsArt community.

Background Image - Download

Text PNG - Download

By following these simple steps, you can create a stunning dual photo edit with a beautiful orange sky background using PicsArt. This edit is perfect for creating memorable images with a warm, sunset-like ambiance. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced editor, PicsArt provides the tools you need to bring your creative vision to life.

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